Colombia Gains Investment Grade Credit Rating, Spurring Investor Confidence ... was ranked the top country in Latin America for strength of investor protection.
May 13, 2011 - Colombia Gains Investment Grade Credit Rating, Spurring Investor ...ranked the top country in Latin America for strength of investor protection.
Investor confidence and commercial ties with major world economies are on the rise. ... and S&P) have granted Colombia "Investment Grade" status, highlighting: ... most “Business Friendly” country in Latin America and the top reformer in the region. ... fifth in the world and first in Latin America in terms of investor protection.
Benefits of the EU-Colombia Trade Agreement for the EU ...Colombia was ranked best in the region, and fifth in the world for investor protection. Three of the top global risk rating agencies have branded Colombia as an 'Investment Grade' ...
The content of the EU-Colombia and Peru Trade Agreement is consistent with the ... was ranked best in the region, and fifth in the world for investor protection. global risk rating agencies have branded Colombia as an 'Investment Grade' ...
Colombia - #55 Best Countries for Business -Forbes. ... All three major ratings agencies have upgraded Colombia's investment grade. ....Rankings. Trade Freedom: 101; Monetary Freedom: 50; Property Rights: 67 ...Investor Protection: 6; Corruption: 69; Personal Freedom: 81; Tax Burden: 75; Market Performance: 20.
Colombia. Why invest in Colombia? Investment Opportunities for Italy in Colombia... Europe is the top recipient region for FDI Greenfield of Italy, meanwhile Latin America is the ... investment still being explored by the Italian investor ...Ranking per number of projects ....Investment Grade. Connectivity. Investor Protection.
Colombia with “Investment Grade” ... Strength of Investor Protection, 2011. Rating. Ranked among the top countries on investor protection. Country. World.
Colombia is ranked 5th worldwide among the countries with solid and clear ...Colombia's golden rule with its current government is: INVESTOR PROTECTION.